Go to Tools > Change/Move/Copy Fields.Highlight all the references you want to add the same access date to in the EndNote library window.In EndNote you can simultaneously add an access date to a group of references:

Abbreviation 3 - includes the full title with 'and' as an ampersand.Abbreviation 2- gives the Index Medicus/Medline/NLM abbreviations.Abbreviation 1 - gives the Index Medicus/Medline/NLM abbreviations with the addition of stops after each abbreviation.Note: Check the specific abbreviation requirements of the journal to which you are submitting under 'instructions for authors' (some listed in the Reference Style Guides box top left): If it does not appear click Select Another Style > and choose your style. Close the window (the second x) and save as a copy. You will need to select this copy of the style.Abbreviation 2 and Abbreviate journal articles only. When the edit window opens click on Jounal Nameson the left hand side.Click on Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager.To check the configuration of the output style using the term list: On your home Mac - Applications\EndNote X6\Terms Then Choose > OK > CloseĪt KEMH - C:\Program Files\DoH\EndNote X6\Terms Lists\Medical.t xt Then Open > OK > Close On your home PC - C:\Program Files\EndNote X6\Terms Lists\Medical.txt Then Open > OK > Close Select all the titles (use Ctrl + Ashortcut in Windows to select all).Go to Tools > Open Term Lists > Journals.This list is based on the Index Medicus/Medline/NLM abbreviations. It is strongly recommended that you delete all terms in your existing journals term list prior to importing the Medical journals list: For EndNote to do this automatically you need to importthe Medical journals listinto your EndNote library. Vancouver and some other styles and journals require the use of abbreviated journal titles. However, not all databases provide the required abbreviated journal title in their citations.